Jonas is a former PhD student in the Seismology and Wave Physics group at ETH Zurich working on ambient seismic noise source inversion on a regional to global scale. In 2017 he obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Dundee with a Bachelor thesis focused on Surface Acoustic Waves for Nanogram Gravimetry. Subsequently, he continued with the Master in Earth Science with major in Geophysics at ETH Zürich. During the Master’s degree he worked under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fichtner and Dr. Laura Ermert to make regional to global scale ambient noise source inversions feasible for the secondary microseisms by implementing spatially variable grids. This resulted in a Master thesis titled Near Real-Time Ambient Seismic Noise Source Inversion. Building on the developments of the Master thesis, he developed the web framework SANS (Seismic Ambient Noise Sources, during his PhD where daily seismic ambient noise source maps are made available to the public. Further work will be done to study more local scale applications of seismic ambient noise source inversion methods. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to collaborate: